Pipeline design


The design of the new pipeline is meant to address issues that have come up before and to add functionality that has been wanted for a while including Python support, interactive pipeline debugging, better concurrency support, and more.

Type Safety

The codebase strives for type safety where possible. This is achieved by using typedef to rename types. When applicable, typedef types also expose objects through only a shared_ptr to prevent unintentional deep copies from occurring and simplify memory management.

The use of typedef within the codebase also simplifies changing core types if necessary (e.g., replacing std::shared_ptr with a different managed pointer class).

Some of the core classes (i.e., sprokit::datum and sprokit::stamp) are immutable through their respective typedef and can only be created with static methods of the respective class which enforce that they can only be constructed in specific ways.

doxygenclass:: sprokit::datum


Processes are designed to be introspected so that information about a process can be given at runtime. It also allows processes to be created at runtime and pipelines created dynamically. By abstracting out C++ types, language bindings do not need to deal with templates, custom bindings for every plugin, and other intricacies that bindings to C++ libraries usually entail.

Thread safety

Processes within the new pipeline are encouraged to be thread safe. When thread safety cannot be ensured, it must be explicitly marked. This is so that any situation where data is shared across threads where more than one thread expects to be able to modify the data is detected as an error.

Error Handling

Errors within the pipeline are indicated with exceptions. Exceptions allow the error to be handled at the appropriate level and if the error is not caught, the message will reach the user. This forces ignoring errors to be explicit since not all compilers allow decorating functions to warn when their return value is ignored.

Control Flow

The design of the ref sprokit::process class is such that the heavy lifting is done by the base class and specialized computations are handled as needed by a subclass. This allows a new process to be written with a minimum amount of boilerplate. Where special logic is required, a subclass can implement a c virtual method which can add supplemental logic to support a feature.

For example, when information about a port is requested, the ref sprokit::process::input_port_info method is called which delegates logic to the ref sprokit::process::_input_port_info method which can be overwritten. By default, it returns information about the port if it has been declared, otherwise it throws an exception that the port does not exist. To create ports on the fly, a process can reimplement ref sprokit::process::_input_port_info to create the port so that it exists and an exception is not thrown.

The rationale for not making ref sprokit::process::input_port_info c virtual is to enforce that API specifications are met. For example, when connecting edges, the main method makes sure that the edge is not c NULL and that the process has not been initialized yet.

Data Flow

Data flows within the pipeline via the ref sprokit::edge class which ensures thread-safe communication between processes. A process communicates with edges via its input and output ports. Ports are named communication sockets where edges may be connected to so that a process can send and receive data. Input ports may have at most one edge sending data to it while output ports may feed into any number of edges.


Ports are declared within a process and managed by the base ref sprokit::process class to minimize the amount of code that needs to be written to handle communication within the pipeline.

A port has a “type” associated with it which is used to detect errors when connecting incompatible ports with each other. These types are em logical types, not a type within a programming language. A c double can represent a distance or a time interval (or even a distance is a different unit!), but a port which uses a c double to a distance would have a type of c distance_in_meters, em not c double. There are two special types, one of which indicates that any type is accepted on the port and another which indicates that no data is ever expected on the port.

Ports can also have flags associated with them. Flags give extra information about the data that is expected on a port. A flag can indicate that the data on the port must be present to make any sense (either it’s required for a computation or that if the result is ignored, there’s no point in doing the computation in the first place), the data on the port should not be modified (because it is only a shallow copy and other processes modifying the data would invalidate results), or that the data for the port will be modified (used to cause errors when connected to a port with the previous flag). Flags are meant to be used to bring attention to the fact that more is happening to data that flows through the port than normal.


Each data packet within an edge is made up of two parts: a status packet and a stamp. The stamp is used to ensure that the various flows through the pipeline are synchronized.

The status packet indicates the result of the computation that creates the result available on a port. It can indicate that the computation succeeded (with the result), failed (with the error message), could not be completed for some reason (e.g., not enough data), or complete (the input data is exhausted and no more results can be made). Having a status message for each result within the pipeline allows for more fine-grained data dependencies to be made. A process which fails to get some extra data related to its main data stream (e.g., metadata on a video frame) does not have to create invalid objects nor indicate failure to other, unrelated, ports.

A stamp consists of a step count and an increment. If two stamps have the same step count. A stamp’s step count is incremented at the source for each new data element. Step counts are unitless and should only be used for ordering information. In fact, the ref sprokit::stamp interface enforces this and only provides a comparison operator between stamps. Since step counts are unitless and discrete, inserting elements into the stream requires that the step counts change.

The base ref sprokit::process class handles the common case for incoming and outgoing data. The default behavior is that if an input port is marked as being “required”, its status message is aggregated with other required inputs:

  • If a required input is complete, then the current process’ computation is considered to be complete as well.
  • Otherwise, if a required input is an error message, then the current process’ computation is considered an error due to an error as input (following the GIGO principle).
  • Otherwise, if a required input is empty, then the current process’ computation is considered empty (the computation is missing data and cannot be completed).
  • Then, since all of the required inputs are available, the stamps are checked to ensure that they are on the same step count.

If custom logic is required to manage ports or data, this control flow can be disabled piecemeal and handled manually. The status can check can be disabled on a per-process basis so that it can be managed in a special way.

Pipeline Execution

The execution of a pipeline is separate from the construction and verification. This allows specialized schedulers to be used in situations where some resource is constrained (one scheduler to keep memory usage low, another to minimize CPU contention, another for an I/O-heavy pipeline, and others).